Lent 1… and we are off!


So its here again… Lent.   What do you intend to give up for Lent in 2016?

I am sure that for many people, it will a continuation of the New Year resolutions, that were set a few weeks ago. A promise to ourselves to be slimmer by forgoing chocolate; a promise to ourselves to forgo alcohol to detox our bodies; a promise to ourselves to read more to boost our IQ. Endless possibilities and all focussing on ‘self’.

Lent is a unique time where we fast (yes maybe food! ) on letting go the issues that stop us listening to God. Lent is a time where we should spend time with God, and so let’s remove some of the boundaries that hinder our listening. It’s just for six weeks…. we can manage that I am sure. Here are some suggestions

  1. Let go of apathy and replace with committment
  2. Let go of indifference and replace with passion
  3. Let go of selfishness and replace with compassion

Pope Francis as given a wonderful quote to help us in this Lenten task.’whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for God , no room for others and no room for the poor. God voice is no longer heard. the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt and the desire to do good fades’.

So a task indeed … I shall see you all during Lent. I hear you ask what am I doing ? I am reading and meditating on the Psalms, so look out for my posts !