Spiritual Seekers

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One of the memories I have of my children growing up, is that incredible innocence you can see, when something good happens…… a light bulb moment occurs. Let me explain, I have been sharing a few memories with my grandson about his Mum and Auntie, memories that made us laugh, memories that made us sad, memories that made his eyes grow wide open in amazement, and I could see the total disbelief in his eyes and the long drawn out .. Nooooooo!!

At that moment as I looked at him, he was ready to accept anything I said, for he trusted every word that I uttered. That is quite a powerful position to be in, to know that you hold the power to influence another person’s thought process.

Faith is a little like that; people who ask me  ‘why do I have a faith? are not being awkward, for I think for the majority of people there is a true desire to seek the meaning of our existence, for we are all human and therefore spiritual seekers.

What I find wonderful about the Jesus of History, is his capacity to know who were the Spiritual seekers in his Jewish context, then he would reach out to them, say the right words and produce the right action, that would influence their understanding of who God is and how best to seek God.

Our task as Spiritual Seekers and Disciples of Faith is never to think we have all the answers, because God is always breathing within creation, a movement which will inspire others, a dance that will lead us on a different path, a whisper that will energise us.

God will use other people to help us on our Journey of faith; we must be humble enough to recognise this and gracious enough to receive.

God who breaks the bounds of Time and Space

May we always dance with your Spirit

To create and energy for ourselves and for others

May we always breathe in your Spirit

To bring a peace into our lives and other peoples lives

May we always walk the path of humility

To be aware of your love for us overflowing and free for all.

We ask this through the Christ who brings meaning to our lives
