
house rules It has been a busy week, and in the kitchen I bought (at a church fair on Saturday) a lovely plaque for the kitchen wall. It is called Family Rules, and we have enjoying seeing it in the kitchen (although I still need to put it up yet ). One of the rules is about sharing, and my grandson and I talked about how to share .. ‘was it just about sweets?’ he said . I told him it was about sharing the gifts that God has given us as well … of being generous,  accepting  and loving. Sometimes we have to enable others share their gifts with us , that is not just about giving , but about receiving as well .

I found this story to share with you all this day .

Mother Teresa of Calcutta in India heard of a Hindu family having no food, and so she took some rice to them. She tells of looking at the children and seeing hunger in their eyes.  The mother of the children was grateful for the rice, and immediately divided it into two and went outside. When the lady returned, Mother Teresa asked her where she had been. “My neighbours, a Muslim family – they are hungry, too,” she said. And Mother Teresa told someone later: “ I didn’t take any more rice that evening – I wanted them to enjoy the joy of sharing.”


Lord Jesus, you said that

“there is more joy in giving than in receiving”.

Inspire us to live generously,

sincerely thinking of others

before ourselves.

May others treat us

as we treat them.
